
The Saltmarble team wants to serve as a BaaS for game applications that use each token in the ecosystem to coexist. The social trend and technological development of mobile and social media game applications are further increasing the demand for backend services. The goal of the Saltmarble platform is to support game operators (content providers) targeting specific customers to quickly release P2E applications using a BaaS solution trusted by customers, and to minimize the cost burden. The goal is to successfully maintain BM and optimize its role as BaaS through it. However, Saltmarble adds a curating step that verifies the soundness and completeness in advance by using the 'entry pool' before launching the application on the service chain, so that the existing platforms are trusted by the rest of the users who have focused on quantitative growth rather than content quality. We will continue to build trust with users without forgetting that we have lost it.

Although a platform trusted by users is rather slow, it will eventually secure a large number of active users, and the project team will be able to maintain BM through gas fees and commissions. The project team will use those resources to support more advanced systems to meet the maximum functionality desired by app developers, and continue to evolve processing speeds to meet real-time and high responsiveness, allowing Saltmarble, Application Providers, , will maintain a virtuous cycle service that satisfies all users.

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